October 13, 2021

NRMCA Commits to Carbon Free Ready Mixed Concrete Industry by 2050 Worldwide Effort Launched by Global Cement and Concrete Association

Alexandria, VA – October 13, 2021

The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association and the Build With Strength initiative have joined a global consortium of ready mixed concrete and cement trade associations and organizations in committing to a net-zero carbon emission industry by 2050. The announcement was made yesterday as part of the Global Cement and Concrete Association’s (GCCA) 2050 Cement & Concrete Industry Roadmap for Net Zero online event. The October 12 event officially launched Concrete Future, a collective commitment and roadmap toward achieving a decarbonized industry and net-zero concrete for the world.

“NRMCA stands with the GCCA and our sister association in the United States, the Portland Cement Association (PCA), in its effort to reach net-zero by 2050. We have a responsibility as an industry to address our impact on the environment and this type of collaboration with key stakeholders and policymakers brings us even closer to achieving our goals,” said President Mike Philipps. “We have a long way to go but believe that this road map creates a sense of commitment and transparency to deliver innovation around reducing carbon impacts of concrete for the betterment of society at large. We have a real opportunity to make a global impact and look forward to continued collaboration with industry leaders on environmental issues.”

The move by GCCA members marks the biggest global commitment by an industry to net-zero so far – bringing together companies from the Americas, Africa and Asia, including India, China and Europe.

Concrete is the most used human-made material on the planet with 14 billion cubic meters produced each year for use in everything from roads to bridges, tunnels to homes, and hydropower installations to flood defenses. Concrete is an essential element of construction; with no other material equaling its resilience, strength and wide availability. The new 2050 commitment by the GCCA outlines a significant acceleration in the pace of industry decarbonization.

More information on the road maps can be found for GCCA here and for PCA here.

NRMCA is celebrating 90 years of representing the producers of ready mixed concrete and the companies that provide materials, equipment and support to the industry. It conducts education, training, promotion, research, engineering, safety, environmental, technological, lobbying and regulatory programs. To learn more, visit https://www.nrmca.org/.

The Global Cement and Concrete Association is a CEO led industry initiative that is committed to sustainability by reducing the impacts of cement production and promoting the unique properties of concrete as a sustainable, durable and resilient building material – a material that will answer the needs of a growing and increasingly urban population that is set to exceed 9 billion people by 2050. Learn more at https://gccassociation.org/.

NRMCA’s ConcreteWorks 2024

Registration Is Now Open!